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     Aluminium sulfate is used in many cosmetics. During the formation of cosmetic products like, deodorants, makeup foundations, and other skin cleansers and fresheners  (n.a, 2016).










      Aluminum sulfate is used in swimming pools to decrease the cloudiness of the water. Aluminum sulfate is used to decrease the cloudiness of water in swimming pools because it when the aluminium sulfate is added to the water, it then begins to clear up the water as the properties enable the impurities to settle at the bottom, which can then be fished out (n.a., 2013).










     Alumuinum sulfate is helpful in dyeing and printing on cloth. When aluminum sulfate is used for dyeing and printing cloth, it is dissolved in water that has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH, this results in aluminium sulfate producing a gooey substance which is known as aluminum hydroxide (Wipplinger, 2003). As the aluminum sulfate turns into a gooey substance it helps all the dyes stick to the cloth because it makes the dye water insoluble. This makes aluminum sulfate commonly known as a “fixer”. This means that the gooey aluminum sulfate combines in with the molecular structure of the dye being used and the fabric (n.a, 2015). This as a result enforces the dye to not get run out when the fabric is wet.   










     Paper making, in the olden days utilized aluminum sulfate. Before, synthetic producers replaced the use of aluminum sulfate in the production of paper. Aluminium sulfate, was used to figure out the size of paper. During this process, aluminium sulfate was incorporated with a type of soap called rosin. This altered the ink-absorbency of the paper.  This means that when aluminium sulfate was used to produce paper, the paper was made under acidic conditions. (n.p., 1980)













     Water treatment and purification is one of the uses of aluminum sulfate. When aluminum sulfate is added to water, it causes the impurities that are within the water to clump together. After the clumps get bigger they settle at the bottom of whatever container the water is in. The large clumps are then filtered out of the water, making it safer to use (n.a.,n.d.)


     Aluminum is used to eliminate phosphorus from lakes. When phosphorus enters the water as runoff or from groundwater it pollutes lakes and is harmful for fish. It also causes excess algae growth. When aluminium sulfate is added to the water it ends up reducing the phosphorus in lakes. This as a result is beneficial for the lake environment because the fish can live longer, and there is a limited amount of phosphorus available for the algae to feed off of which ceases production.






Treatment of Silty River Water with Aluminum Sulfate


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